Illustrated by Canadian artist Donna Rawlins Sharpe, Oscar and the Royal Avenue Cats comprises eight stories about a big, solid, one-eared tomcat named Oscar.
“His coat is patchy with age and matted here and there with the scars of many battles. One ear is gone and so is half his tail. But they’d disappeared so long ago that he couldn’t remember when he’d lost them, and it really didn’t matter anyway. For Oscar is tough and Oscar is a thinker.”
These tales describe how Oscar’s old neighborhood of Royal Avenue is threatened by developers trying to force out all the old residents. So Oscar gathers all the neighborhood’s cats and, together, they scheme and plan and form themselves into a fearless army to thwart the destruction of their homes. Written to appeal to readers from age six to early teens, Oscar and the Royal Avenue Cats is a fun, exciting gem of an adventure story, with an important message for young people (and grownups, too).
Oscar’s brilliant strategy and clever tactics against the unscrupulous money-men help ensure that the neighborhood stays strong and stable, and that the long-time residents, who may not be as sophisticated or well-off as their antagonists, deserve security and fair play. This beautiful book is a perfect gift for the young reader who’s ready to learn life’s lessons.